Weekly Menu {2/29–3/4}

Image via The Design Chaser

Happy Leap Day! I hope you had a nice weekend. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous here, and then it, of course, had to turn cold and snowy again just to remind us winter isn’t over yet. It’s ok, though, because the beautiful sunshine was all worth it.

Our siding project is making good progress and might even be done this week. They have 3/4 of one side and then the back of the house to complete. It is looking really good, and I can’t wait to see the whole thing finished without ladders and hanging wires and what not.

Here’s what’s on the menu.

MondayRice Bowls with Fried Egg and Avocado

Tuesday—Salad with Brown Rice, Avocado, Bacon, and other fixings

WednesdaySpinach, Bacon, Gouda Quiche. I will probably put this together on Tuesday night so I can just pop it in the oven.

Thursday—Eating Out

FridayChicken, Bacon, Spinach, and Tomatoes with Penne Pasta. I have half a jar of Alfredo sauce I plan to use for the cream sauce part of this recipe.

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