Weekly Menu {1/18–1/22}

I hope you had a nice weekend! Ours was a nice mix of productivity (cleaning the house) and hanging out (watching The Hunger Games to get caught up for Mockingjay, Part 2). Finn has been really funny the last few days, crawling around “chatting” about everything and anything. His third tooth is almost through on the top, and he is a little drool factory. 9 months has been a really fun age so far!

In other news, here’s what’s on the menu this week.

MondayMinestrone Soup

TuesdayMeatloaf and Mashed Potatoes

WednesdayChicken Pot Pie


Friday—Eating out. We found this great theater where you can eat dinner and watch the movie. You sit at tables in the theater. They show movies that are not in the main theaters anymore and tickets are super cheap. We are going to see The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part 2.

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