Things Finn Says

Finn is 2.5 years old, and he has been talking quite a bit recently. I thought it would be fun to share a few of the things he’s been saying recently.

Giving me a big hug, he says, “I’m so proud of you, Mama.” It’s pretty much the sweetest thing ever.

If I’m frustrated about something, “It’s ok, Mom. Just take a calm break.”

Three of my favorite pronunciations of his right now—

Bobbyberry instead of Strawberry

Bubbyfly instead of Butterfly

Biraffe instead of Giraffe

“I love Stevie sooooooo much!” as he gives Stevie the sloth a big hug. He will also say, “Stevie is my best buddy.” (Stevie is a sloth toy I got for Finn when he was only a few weeks old. They are pretty much inseparable.)

My parents gave us a bunch of beanie babies, so Finn frequently can be heard asking, “What’s it’s name?” Conveniently, the beanie babies have a tag with their name on them. Otherwise I would never remember the names we had given the animals, and Finn totally remembers if they are the same name I used before or not. Another common phrase is “What does the _____ say?” as he holds up an animal.

Finn loves animals and knows most, if not all, of the animals in our bins (of which we have many). One day he held up an animal to our friend and asked him, “What is it?” Our friend replied, “a monkey” to which Finn replied, “No. It’s a baboon.” Our friend was a good sport about it, but we laughed pretty hard about the exchange.

Do your kids have any funny things to say recently?

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