
On Creating a Capsule Wardrobe

Have you heard of creating a capsule wardrobe? I’ve seen it pop up here and there on the web and usually skimmed past it as a trend that would soon pass. While at coffee with friends a few weeks ago, one of the girls mentioned that she had considered doing it—had even cleaned out a lot of the clothes in her closet—but decided against it. The cleaned out closet was enough for her. It got me to thinking, though, “Could I cut down to a set number of pieces for 3 months and not go shopping during that time?”

“I’m not sure,” was my initial response, “but I’m intrigued”, followed it right up. You see, I love going to Goodwill to find clothes and shoes at a good price. I justify the clothes by the low price. However, I surely end up spending more in the long run, and I allow things into my closet that don’t always fit the best or work with my other clothes.

Since I’ve been staying home full-time, I’ve had a strong desire to clear clutter and purge. We also have a tight budget. So, I’ve been entertaining the idea for a week or so now of creating a capsule wardrobe for this fall/early winter season (approximately October–December).

Over the weekend I spent some time going through my clothes and sorting them by “Yes”, “Maybe”, and “No”. I have two bags of “No” clothes that it feels so good to have out of my closet. I have a few items set aside for my fall capsule, and I hope to go through my pile of items to consider for the capsule to narrow it down to around 34 pieces. That isn’t a hard and fast number for me; just a goal to help me keep my pile in check. I will keep you posted on my progress, my direction for the capsule, and any pieces I’m looking to add to my closet this season.

In the meantime, if you want to know more about a capsule wardrobe, here are some resources…

What is a Capsule Wardrobe?

How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe

Wardrobe Planner

Would you ever consider doing a capsule wardrobe?

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