Iced Coffee at Home

I have always loved iced coffee from coffee shops. I used to think making it at home was a doomed pursuit. It just never seemed to turn out well. Last summer, I decided to try my hand at it again to see if I could figure out what I was doing wrong. I read lots and lots of other blog posts, and I think I was having two issues—my ratios of water to coffee were distorted, and I wasn’t letting it steep long enough.

This post from The Rising Spoon was super helpful! I have been using her ratios of 1 cup coffee grounds to 4 cups water, with one change. See below.

I also decided to buy this Iced Coffee Maker. I know you don’t need a special gadget to make iced coffee, but I felt confident that I would be more likely to make cold brew at home if it was as simple as possible. I have used it so much this season! It is very simple to set up, very simple to remove the grounds, and then it’s so nice to stick in the fridge and pour straight from it to dispense the iced coffee. If you are thinking of getting something like it, I would certainly recommend it.

Long story short, it’s been going great this summer! I usually have a cup of hot coffee in the morning, but when the kids have their quiet time after lunch, I enjoy a little cup of iced coffee and a few tranquil moments to read or think my own thoughts. 🙂 It’s been a lovely summer tradition.

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee

Making Cold Brew Coffee is simple enough. You measure out your coffee grounds, add water, and then let it steep.

Like I mentioned above, I have been using The Rising Spoon’s ratios of 1 cup coffee grounds to 4 cups water, with one change. I add 1 tablespoon of sugar to my coffee grounds. This makes the cold brew just a smidge sweet and very smooth. I hate getting a sip of grainy sugar in my iced coffee.

Here’s what I’ve been doing—

Cold Brew Coffee

  • 1/4 cup measuring cup
  • Iced Coffee Maker
  • 1 cup coffee grounds
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup, add 2 scoops of coffee grounds to the inner grounds holder of the Iced Coffee Maker.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of sugar on top of your coffee grounds.
  • Add the last 2 scoops of coffee grounds.
  • Slowly, add the 4 cups of water to your Iced Coffee Maker. It is best to pour a bit, let it sit and drain, pour a bit, let it sit and drain, until you’ve added all of the water.
  • Put the cap on and set aside to steep for 18-24 hours. (I leave mine on the counter to steep.)
  • When you have steeped the coffee long enough, remove the inner grounds holder. I like to gently press out the coffee that is remaining in it as I pull it up. Set that aside to clean, and replace your cap.
  • Now you are ready to serve your iced coffee! Add ice to a cup, pour in cold brew, and add milk/cream as desired. Enjoy!
  • Store remaining cold brew in the refrigerator.

Cheers to tasty coffee, right at home!

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