A Trip to the Blueberry Farm

A couple of Fridays ago, we took a trip to the blueberry farm, and it was so fun! We went to Rush River Produce in Maiden Rock, Wisconsin. It was about an hour drive to get there, but the landscape is super pretty, and it was particularly nice to get out of the house for a beautiful summer morning!

The farm itself is beautiful—brimming with hollyhocks and other lush flowers in gardens around the entrance.

We each were given a basket and went out into the rows of blueberry bushes and got to work.

Finn diligently pulled the stems off before he put the blueberries in his basket. 🙂

For the first part, Penelope held the basket while Dylan picked. Then, she realized that they were actually blueberries (she was very skeptical before that), and then she wanted to pick her own and eat them as she went along.

She was very industrious in her blueberry picking.

And then we learned a valuable lesson—Don’t put all of your blueberries in one basket! Sweet Penelope tripped and knocked the basket over, and then Dylan and I carefully picked them up from the grass. It was certainly not an ideal scenario, but we were able to salvage most of them with only minimal harm down.

After that it started to get hot and the breeze died down, so we headed back to pay and get some water before heading to lunch. All in all, we had a lovely morning, and we would definitely go back!

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