A Few Thoughts on Valentine’s Day & the Simple Diy Cards I Sent

I know that Valentine’s Day can be a bit polarizing for people. I personally think it is a fun, cutesy holiday, if, and this is a big if, you don’t make a huge deal out of it. Some years Dylan and I get a present for one another, some years we don’t. Some years we have a big fancy dinner out, some years we try a new recipe at home, some years we eat frozen pizza. We don’t have any big traditions to try to live up to, and we let our season of life guide how we celebrate. And honestly, that has made the holiday feel so carefree and fun.

This year, we are having one of our favorite easy dinners at home—quesadillas. I’m hoping to make these Sprinkled Rice Krispie Hearts with Finn earlier in the day to have for dessert. I think he is going to be so pumped because when you are almost three years old, sprinkles are pretty much the most awesome thing ever! Then, on Friday, Dylan and I got a babysitter and are going out to dinner. (He made reservations and won’t tell me where.) We usually have our date night on Monday nights, so getting dressed up to go out on a Friday night feels so fun and special. So our celebrating is a combination of low-key and a little bit fancy. It’s not anything extravagant, but it makes this week feel special, and that’s all that really matters to me.

One way I like to make other people’s Valentine’s Day special is by sending out handmade cards. Again, they aren’t extravagant, but I try to find a cute design or saying to show friends and family that I love them and am thankful for them. Below are the designs I used this year.

I bought these white cards with envelopes and this ink set from Amazon, but the main jumping off point were the Emoji stamps I found at Michael’s. (I can’t find them online, but this set from Amazon would work too.) I had to play around with colors and layouts a bit before getting it quite right, but I’m happy with how they turned out.

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you have a wonderful week!

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