
What are you up to these days? Here’s a snapshot of what is keeping me occupied this month.

Working on

Putting up art in Penelope’s room and building an ikea cabinet for our living room.


Indiana Jones. The Minnesota Orchestra hosts a few Music & Movie nights each year where they show a movie and the orchestra plays the music live. It sounds very cool, and we are hoping to go for the first time this year. While trying to find the schedule for this upcoming fall, I saw they had done Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark last year. We found the films on Amazon and hope to watch the third one soon. 

P.S. I highly recommend GLOW, seasons 1 and 2, on Netflix. It is a bit crass, but overall the storyline is well done, the dialogue is articulate as well as funny, and the characters are endearing. I laughed so hard throughout the series and was definitely sad when we got through all the episodes.


Felt food for Finn’s play kitchen. I previously made fried eggs and a bacon cheeseburger, and now I would like to make cupcakes and ice cream.


A Praying Life by Paul Miller. Our small group from church is reading this together. I’ve read it once before but am enjoying a second reading. It is a very down-to-earth book about praying to God in the context of a relationship with him. Once I finish it, I will write a longer book review to publish here.


Our 8th wedding anniversary, which is coming up at the beginning of August. We had hoped to take a weekend away, but the timing isn’t right, so we are trying to figure out what to do instead. If all else fails, we will probably go out for dinner at Wildfire or The Cheesecake Factory, our two favorites. 

Graphic designed by my lovely sister, Veronica Wudi Klas.

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