Glimpses, October 2020

October was a busy, emotional month for our family, but it was also a good, good month. Here are some glimpses.

10.01.20—Painted some fall leaves as our afternoon activity

10.04.20—Sweet Penelope has been having a hard time with our move, and she has taken to sleeping in the hall rather than in her bed.

10.15.20—Said goodbye to our little house in Bloomington on a beautiful fall day.

10.16.20—Sweet boy sound asleep with his trusty sloth

10.18.20—Dylan’s parents had a huge bonfire to close out MN fall, and it was lovely! Finn was in awe.

10.22.20—Picking out faces for our pumpkins from Pick A Pumpkin.

10.26.20—Closed on our new house in Sioux Falls!

10.27.20—Ripped the carpet out of the living room and got our rug laid out and couch set. It’s starting to feel a bit like home.


10.30.20—Carving pumpkins! Finn was supervising because he didn’t want to get his hands dirty, and Penelope was game for all of it.

10.31.20—Halloween is Finn’s favorite holiday, by far. He looks forward to it all year. Back at the end of August he picked his costume—The Flash. He has been dashing around the house for weeks and weeks, so he was so excited for actual Halloween. We had friends over for a little party, and he was in heaven. Penelope wanted to be an orange super hero, so I got her adorable orange pajamas and a pink cape and mask. She was super excited to wear it for photos, and then promptly took off the mask and cape and had a great evening in her orange pajamas. Haha!

I hope you had a spooky month!

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