On Not Finishing A Book

Not finishing a book is a grave sin.

That’s what I used to think. Now, though, I feel very differently.

Reading is a hobby for me, and I only have so much time that I can put toward reading in any given day/week/year. If I spend time slogging through a book that I’m not interested in or enjoying, I have not used my time well. I could have spent that time on numerous other books that I did enjoy, or provoked interesting thoughts, or that I decided I didn’t like but at least had me engaged during the reading process. For me, it just is not worth it to try to get through a book I’m not enjoying. I want to use that precious time for a book I am interested in.

Also, I’ve come to realize that sometimes I’m just not that into a book for whatever reason, but if I circle back to it another time, I may greatly enjoy it. And it’s ok to put a book aside that you just aren’t in the mood for. For example, I tried to read, “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel two different times, was not into it, put it aside, and tried a third time when I was feeling interested in that genre. Guess what?! I loved it! But if I had tried to get through it the first time, when I was not into it, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it nearly as much. I’ve also started and given up on “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” by Susanna Clarke twice now. I just cannot get into it. I do hope to give it one more try at some point in the future, but for now, I’ve just put it off my list.

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some books that I start that are slow going. Perhaps it is the writing style; perhaps the content is different than I thought. Any number of factors can contribute to it. Usually, though, I can tell if it is slow and I want to push through to get further into the book before I make a decision. But if I am consistently avoiding the book, I take that as a sign that I’m not interested in it. Sometimes, I start a book and just immediately know, “Nope. I’m not in the mood for this.” I put it aside right then and go for something else.

I used to feel so guilty about not finishing a book, and I talk with many people who feel the same way. I want to encourage you, though, that it is your time and your hobby, and it is perfectly fine to not finish a book. Just let it go and move on! Find something that does grab your interest. There’s nothing worse than languishing in a book you aren’t enjoying, and there is nothing more wonderful than getting lost in a good book!

So, tell me, do you feel that you must finish a book once you’ve started reading it?

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