Kid’s Book Review: The Insect Detective

We love books around here, and kid’s books are no exception. I wanted to share this book with you all because we really enjoyed it, and it feels fitting for summertime. We borrowed it from our local library, but I would definitely add it to our personal collection at some point. Without further ado, I give you, “The Insect Detective” by Steve Voake. (You can find it on Amazon here.)

The book has a simple story about how any child can be an insect detective, and then it goes on to talk about a few common bugs that kids have probably encountered already—bees, wasps, and dragonflies, to name a few. I appreciated that it included information about the various insects, but it was definitely accessible to a child and not dry or overly textbook-like. It also explained words that kids might not have learned yet, like “solitary means alone”.

The illustrations are stunning! They maintain a very simple aesthetic and yet are so beautiful in person (my photos do not do them justice at all).

This was my favorite spread. The pond and water lilies were so beautifully painted.

And then it concludes with a few simple ways that children can practically become an insect detective. Although Finn (age 4) could follow the story and information, I felt a few of these activities were probably for older children to be able to do on their own or concentrate for longer periods of time to watch an insect. That being said, I think an inquisitive child of 3 up through an elementary-schooler could enjoy this book.

I would love to know if you have read any good ‘bug’ books recently! Finn is very interested in bugs currently.

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