Weekly Menu {11/9–11/13}

Did you do anything fun this weekend? We hung out around the house for the most part. I walked to the library with Finn and got a couple of books. I’m hoping to spend more time reading and have challenged myself to read one book per month. I’m starting with Bringing up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman. I think it will be a light, fun read. Are you reading anything good right now?

Image via Finding Home

Image via Finding Home

Here’s what’s on the menu this week.

Monday—Tacos. I like to use ground beef, black beans, green or red peppers, black olives, lettuce, and tomatoes with some sour cream and cheese.

TuesdayPenne Pasta with Peppers and Italian Sausage

Wednesday—Dinner with our Community Group from church

Thursday—Taco Salad with the leftovers from Monday

Friday—Eating Out. There is a new restaurant in our area called Harriet’s Inn that we’d like to try out.

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