My Mantel Decor

We had our fireplace added just shy of two years ago, and it adds a ton of character to our main floor. Since it was installed, I’ve typically switched up the mantel with the seasons. Some setups worked better than others, and sometimes I just didn’t have a clear direction so it looked a bit haphazard.

Then, this past summer my sister went to France and brought me back a print with two butterflies on it (it’s the one on the far right). She did such a great job picking it out because a) I love butterflies, b) it has purple, which is my favorite color, and c) it goes with my style really well. I had the other butterfly print that I hadn’t done anything with yet, and those 3 gold butterflies that I wanted to put up but wasn’t sure where. Then, it hit me. I should use these three items together as part of a mantel display. I can add some seasonal items if I want, but otherwise my mantel always looks nice and goes with my living room decor well. Plus, I get to display these beautiful pieces that I’ve had tucked away.

The smaller butterfly print is from an old book or magazine. I picked it up from Hunt & Gather, which is a great antique store near our house. You have to be in the right mood to go there because it is filled to the brims with stuff, but they get some really fun items.

The peacock wreath is from our wedding. We used them as centerpieces with a candle. I love the rich color of peacock feathers. The teals and greens add a nice contrast to the purples and pinks I have in the rest of the space.

The photo of Dylan and I is from our wedding. It is one of my very favorites. I don’t have many photos of us up in the house, but I’m glad this one can be out for me to see regularly. It’s just such a great photo.

I have had those gold butterflies for 4–5 years. They have been sitting in a box and moved from our previous apartment to our house. I just haven’t known exactly what to do with them, but I also couldn’t part with them. I like how they look mounted on the piece of white wood. They add dimension to the otherwise flat set up.

The print in the gold frame came with a shirt I ordered from Walk in Love. I like the graphic element it adds to the mix.

So there you have it. Our mantel decor. I really like how it has turned out, and I hope to keep it this way for a long time.

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