Progress Update—Finn’s Toddler Room

A few weeks ago, I shared the inspiration for my son, Finn’s room. We recently moved his room to a different spot in our house, and I used the opportunity to update the design. He is approaching his second birthday, so his room isn’t quite a nursery but isn’t quite a big kid’s room either. I want the overall design to work when we do switch him over to a bed at some point in the coming year, which has definitely been tricky primarily for the layout of the room. It works for now, so that is all that matters, I suppose. Next up, I need to get the art up on his walls. I have all of the pieces printed and in frames. It is just a matter of laying them out to determine placement.

Here are a few shots of how it is looking these days.

I originally got the comforter and pillowcase set from my inspiration board, but I ended up returning it. While the fabric was soft, the pillowcase was very disappointing. For whatever reason, they put the envelope closure on the front of the pillowcase, so when you set the pillow down, it flopped open. I couldn’t flip it over because it only had the pattern on one side. I ended up finding the blanket with the blue triangles (shown above) while browsing Target for other ideas. It is so soft, and it is a twin size so we can use it when he switches to a bed. The pillowcase is by Room Essentials, and the crib sheet is by Burt’s Bees (available via Target or Amazon). It is a really high quality sheet and very soft.

The plush shark is from Ikea. Finn loves that thing so much! He says, “nark” every time I come get him in the morning or from his nap and wants to take it with him everywhere around the house. We leave it in the crib so it doesn’t get chewed by our dog.

The dresser is from Craigslist a few years ago, and I gave it a new paint job. I like how the dark gray turned out.

The panda lamp is from Target, and I love it so much. It makes me smile every time I go in Finn’s room. The books and piggy bank are from a thrift store. The blue tin was my grandmother’s.

This is the wall to the right of the door. It has a nightstand that currently holds diapers and wipes but will end up next to Finn’s bed when we convert him from the crib to a twin bed. The cart has books and a couple of toys on it for lack of a better storage place for them. To the right of this is a small closet, which primarily holds extra diapers and wipes, a few extra blankets, and his socks and shoes. Most of his clothes are in his dresser.

Finn loves to push the cart around the room as he pulls out books to look through. Not pictured is a large basket of beanie baby animals. Finn has a field day picking each one out, telling me what it is, and then throwing it around the room. He is usually helpful in picking them back up and returning them to their home in the basket.

Like I mentioned, his room is sort of a transitional space right now. I am sure that the layout will change when he moves to a twin bed, but since that may not be for quite a while, I wanted the room to feel fairly finished and complete. For now, it works and is cozy and comfortable, and it should be relatively simple to add the bed and shuffle things around a bit without changing too much.

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