Glimpses, June 2012

6.2.12—A good life motto: “Eat Good Bread”

6.2.12—A view from the patio

6.6.12—Morning run sights

6.8.12—A working breakfast at Spyhouse

6.9.12—Breakfast at Blackbird Cafe

6.9.12—Next stop, the Graves Hotel for cocktails with my sister.

6.12.12—Kitchen Progress: this used to be a bay window, but we had the wall built-out so the sink can go here.

6.14.12—My sister always makes the best cards.

6.16.12—Going to the chapel, and they’re gonna get married {tomorrow}

6.16.12—Summer mojitos

6.17.12—Wedding details

6.23.12—Sleeping in + Sunstreet + A Cappuccino = A Good Morning

6.23.12—It’s a hair up kind of day.

6.24.12—Touring up to Northeast Minneapolis.

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